The Future PathWalkers
Future Pathwalkers is a ministry composed of youth whom God has chosen to lead His people into the next movement. They are the Joshua’s and Caleb’s of this generation, they also are the ones who believe what God has told His people. Like Joshua and Caleb, the Future Pathwalkers believe they are well able to go and possess the land. The bible says inThis is what Grace Plus Nothing Ministries is doing with the youth of this ministry, and through them, God will direct His people in the way they should go. The youth of Future Pathwalkers does various activities through the coordinating efforts of Mrs. Shirley Patterson such as bowling, skating, swimming, and yes a lot of eating. Most importantly Grace Plus Nothing Ministries is showing our leaders of tomorrow how to be disciples today, by presenting their bodies as a living sacrifice. We are the tangible example of our youth. We believe if you don’t spend quality time with our youth, we are in essence throwing them out without the spiritual weaponry they need in order to survive in today’s environment. Everyone in Grace Plus Nothing Ministries value the youth, this is why we take the time to relate and also pour into them. We believe it truly does take a village to raise a child; through the transparency of our lives, our youth will be receptive and the environment will become God-centered, and not self-centered. The Future Pathwalkers will take the baton and follow God’s lead into the Future.Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Shirley R. Patterson

Shirley R. Patterson is dedicated and devoted to the uplifting and encouragement of her community. She believes that empowering individuals is the first step to creating a prosperous community and has taken a great interest in devoting most of that empowerment to youth. As an active volunteer in peer mentoring programs and church youth advising, she takes the same motivating efforts with community youth as she does with her own three children.
Shirley holds a BA in Sociology from NC State University, where she is also employed as a Research Accountant. She also has an MBA in Healthcare Administration and uses her academic learning coupled with real-life experiences and her strong spiritual beliefs to relate to urban community social issues and how they affect today’s youth. Her two favorite scriptures that she applies to her life and her purpose are: Proverbs 27:17 “As iron sharpens iron, so does one man sharpen another”, because she believes she can use her tools and her knowledge to motivate and enlighten others. And John 15:13 “Greater love hath no man than this than to lie down his life for a friend” which she believes as God has shown so much love for her, there is no greater love than she can show than giving an unselfish devotion to helping others.
In Shirley’s free time she spends every quality-filled moment possible with her husband, Myron A. Patterson Sr. of 17 years, and their three kids, Shimla, 16 J’Aaliyah,14, and Myron II, 12. She enjoys reading, traveling, and helping to empower others in her community.