Tearing down the walls of traditional ministry
Grace Plus Nothing Radio Ministries Incorporated is an out of the box ministry, which God has called to the forefront in a time where people are yearning for the sincere word of God. The purpose of this ministry is to tear down the walls of man made religion and tradition that has kept the believer in bondage, and to bring the believer into the light of the true and living God. We believe God has a purpose for everyone, our goal is to instill into people that no matter what walk of life you come from or what you are currently dealing with, God loves you and the purpose He has for you has not changed!

Apostle Anthony Monds
Grace Plus Nothing
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The Barrier Breakers Show
We believe God has a purpose for everyone
Happy 247th birthday Marines…ooh Rah! ...
The doors to the ark are about to close. In other words; you’re the modern day Moses…people don’t want to hear God through you just as they did Moses. The end result was catastrophic! Don’t feel bad nor rejected when they won’t hear or receive what you’re saying as it pertains to the things of God because the day is at hand and the storms of life shall reveal what God gave you was TRUE! This concludes your spiritual weather report. ...
This event will be epic; no doubt in my mind. God has connected this ministry (Grace Plus Nothing Ministries) with a Man of God (King Ojage) who is like minded… he truly has a Heart for God’s people. I implore you to log on via Facebook Live, YouTube, or live stream and catch this event; March 25 2022 on the continent of Africa will be the reference point of where the movement began! ...
No matter what you’re going through…count it ALL JOY! Go ahead and laugh at the enemy because he shot his best shot and failed! You’re a child of the Living God! ...